Hori Yorishige (堀頼重)

Yorishige HORI (year of birth and death unknown) is a busho (Japanese military commander) in the last days of Heian period. He is the third son of MINAMOTO no Mitsushige (Saburo FUKASU) whose family was derived from Settsu-Genji (Minamoto clan). Yoritoki (Kujoke koto [the title of the official ranks within the Todo-za [the traditional guild for the blind] of the Kujo family]) and Shigetane are his sons.
Shoryo no kami (Chief inspector of imperial tombs), Kogogushoku (officer for serving the Empress in household ministry)
He called himself also Saburo HORI. He is from a family of the Fukasu clan that was a local ruling family based in Shimousa Province. His father Mitsushige, who is a son of MINAMOTO no Mitsunobu from Mino-Genji (Minamoto clan), was later adopted by MINAMOTO no Nakamasa.

He is described as a close blood relative of MINAMOTO no Yorimasa in "Heiji monogatari" (the tale of the Heiji), and it is said that he guided MINAMOTO no Yoshitsune (Rushanao) for direction together with Kichiji KANEURI from Oshu (Northern Honshu, the region encompassing Mutsu and Dewa provinces) when Yoshitsune escaped from Mt. Kurama to Togoku (the eastern part of Japan, particularly Kanto region), and that he invited Yoshitsune to his own domain in Shimofusa Province to shelter him for about a year.
A story similar to "Heiji monogatari" is included in the article about Yoshitsune in "Sonpi Bunmyaku" (a text compiled in the fourteenth century that records the lineages of the aristocracy), which describes that 'Yoshitsune talked with a traveler from Togoku (the eastern part of Japan, particularly Kanto region) named Shoryo no suke Shigeyori (Yorishige) and let him promise to accept his request at Kurama-dera Temple.'

[Original Japanese]